Monday, November 17, 2008

A Visit With Our North Carolina Family

We arrived In NC on Friday, October 31, tired and ready to get set-up and rest. This is where Lynn’s oldest sister, Micki’s 3 children live. (We have no grandchildren, so she said she’d share!) We called our niece, Erika and told her we’d see her the next day.

(back to front) Dominik, Chad, Blake, and Gavin

We sure enjoyed seeing her, Chad and the kids, Dominik, 5, Gavin, 2 ½ and 10 mo old Blake! My nephew Mike’s wife, Kelly was there with their 11 yr old daughter, Mia. (Mike had to work. Never did get to see HIM!) Mia got sick the next day and didn’t recover until after we left! Sure am glad we got to see her at least one day! Got pictures though!

Aunt Grammy Lynn, Mia, Gavin, Dominik, and Uncle Grampa Bruce

It was sure fun playing with Erika’s boys. Chad and Erika were in the middle of packing to move to Ashville, NC due to a job change for Chad. Micki will be happy to have them near her and Dan!

Grave Digger Monster Truck

Sunday after church we triked around the Outer Banks and went to Digger's Dungeon, the place in the NC Outer Banks, where they build Monster Trucks!

There was a radio control car group out behind the Dungeon having a n RC competition. We watched them for a while and grabbed lunch at the Digger's Dungeon Cafe. Great homemade clam chowder!

We later managed to see nephew Cory and his wife Cynthia and their two boys, Jack 6, and Casey 4, for a little while, and went back Tues for a longer visit and some pictures. What a joy that was! It’s hard when families are so far away!

Cory, Casey, Cynthia, and Jack

We started packing up to leave since we were camping on the Currituck Sound and a Nor’easter was moving in fast. Then Micki calls and says, “You can’t leave yet! I’m driving 6-7 hours to see you!” So we rode out the storm and stayed!Spent two days stuck inside the RV until the storm passed. Got to see a great sunrise when it was all said and done!

Micki drove into the campground with Lynn’s sister, Carol Sue's, daughter, Riley! She had flown in from Las Vegas to visit “Aunt Grandma Micki!” We spent a few more days at Chad and Erika’s, helping them pack and enjoying them and their boys, Micki and Dan, and Riley.

Riley (on top), Caleb and Chase


Sunday, Micki and Lynn drove to Raleigh, NC with Riley to meet Lynn’s sister Gayle’s son, Rick and wife Katrina from Charlotte, and their boys Chase and Caleb with their new baby sister Mickayla!The Kids had a great time in the playscape before we had to leave Riley and go back to The Outer Banks.

Proud Papa Rick and Mickayla

Chase and Caleb

Mickayla and Mom Katrina

They were picking up Riley so she could catch her plane on Monday out of Charlotte back home to Nevada. Got more pictures!

(Left to right) Chase, Rick, Katrina, Caleb, Micki, Riley, and Mickayla's in the buggy!

What a great visit with family! Lynn was disappointed that she just missed seeing her younger sister Gayle who was in the States for a little while from South Africa. Said she’d be back in Nevada next August. We’ll see what we can work out when the time comes.

Packed up on Monday, Nov.10th, and really left this time; headed for Myrtle Beach!

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