Friday, October 24, 2008

Alma Highland Games 2008

After arriving back in Michigan we headed to Alma Mi. for the annual Highland Games held over Memorial Day weekend. It has been 33 years since we’ve attended the Games and we had two young sons to take around with us so we didn’t “see it all” then. We still enjoyed the games, but it is different with kids.

This time we did it all, the games, dancing, bands and evening entertainment. We enjoyed Colin Grant-Adams a Scottish folk singer and balladeer, Celtic rock band Mother Grove, and a beautiful sister group The Maidens IV singing classic Celtic songs. The thing that Bruce absolutely thought was the best, was when the massed bands played Amazing Grace, one band started and 200 plus pipers drum rolled in on the second verse, Great! Of course, it was always fun to hear Scotland the Brave…(many times).

Lynn enjoyed the Celtic dancing competition. Sunday we attended a Presbyterian Church for a ceremony of the “Kirking of the Tartans”. Each clan brought in their tartan flag or sash to be honored for a fairly formal service. A beautiful red-haired young woman played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes as she “piped in” the tartans. It was very interesting and both men and women wore many different kilts. All in all it was a fun and busy weekend.


Cindy_379 said...

I REMEMBER those "games" from 33 years ago. You forgot to mention the heat, the sunburn and being woke up EVERY MORNING TO BAGPIPES WARMING UP ... which sound a lot like mortally wounded animals!

Cindy_379 said...

I remember those games 33 years ago. You didn't mention the heat, the sunburns, and being woke up EVERY MORNING TO BAGPIPES TUNING UP.